Camera configuration parameters such as exposure, gain, saturation, or frame rate, can be modified and saved to either the on-board camera memory or a file, and later loaded using a camera application such as Pixelink Capture or using the Pixelink API, which is provided with the Pixelink SDK. Since the camera memory consists of volatile and non-volatile memory, it is important to understand which values of the camera settings to expect, when the camera is connected, reconnected, or it is in use by the camera application. These major cases are shown in the diagram and discussed below. Note that every Pixelink camera carries factory defaults in its default non-volatile memory, Channel 0.

Interaction of camera settings with application

Saving camera settings to Channel 1

Loading camera settings

Diagram of saving and loading camera settings

Interaction of camera settings with application

Camera settings in non-volatile memory Channel 1

During power-up, a camera will always load the camera settings stored in its non-volatile memory, Channel 1, as per the Memory Channel article. This is shown in the above diagram as 1. When the camera is powered up and a camera application such as Pixelink Capture starts, the application requests to read the camera settings. This is shown in the above diagram as 4. Camera settings that the camera reports are from its memory Channel 1. This is shown in the diagram as 1 - 2. Every time when the camera is power cycled (disconnected and reconnected) and the application requests to read camera settings, they are from memory Channel 1 of the camera.


  • When the camera is delivered from the factory, the cameras settings in memory Channel 1 are equivalent to the factory defaults stored in memory Channel 0.
  • Camera settings in memory Channel 1 can be overwritten and new settings can be saved in that memory channel. Please see Saving camera settings to Channel 1 further below, for more information.

Camera settings in volatile memory

While camera settings are loaded and the camera is in use, they can be changed by the application. This is shown in the above diagram as 3. These new values of the camera settings are maintained in volatile memory as long as the camera is connected to a host. If the camera is disconnected and the new values for the camera settings are not saved to Channel 1 (or to a ccp file), they will be permanently lost.

Saving camera settings to Channel 1

As mentioned above, new camera settings can be saved to non-volatile memory Channel 1. This is shown in the diagram as 6 and 7. This process overwrites present camera settings in that memory channel. This can be done by using Pixelink Capture or Pixelink API. Please review the Menu Bar - Pixelink Capture article under its Save Settings section, or the PxLSaveSettings article respectively.

Loading camera settings

Factory defaults settings, and the camera settings saved in Channel 1, can be loaded to the camera, while it is connected. This can be done using Pixelink Capture or the Pixelink API. The process itself can be visualized from the diagram as 4 - 5 and 1 - 2, where 4 - 5 is the request and 1 - 2 is the process of the camera settings being reported to the application. Please review the Menu Bar - Pixelink Capture article under its Load Settings section, or the PxLLoadSettings article respectively.