The steps below can be used to manually uninstall and reinstall the camera drivers for USB 3.0, USB 2.0 and FireWire cameras. To update or re-install the driver, without first uninstalling, skip ahead to step 5.
Uninstalling the Camera Driver
1) Go to Device manager and locate the PixeLINK camera, which can normally be found under Imaging Devices:
2) Right click on the camera and select Uninstall.
3) Select the checkbox to Delete the Driver completely from camera on the popup window.
This will uninstall the Pixelink driver from the camera. If prompted by your computer to restart, please restart to update the changes.
4) If third party software that supports the USB3.0 Vision Standard or IEEE 1394 standard is installed, the camera may be picked up by this software:
Otherwise, the device will appear under Other devices, as seen below. Note, you may need to disconnect and reconnect the camera for it to appear:
Re-installing the Camera Driver
5) In order to restore the Pixelink driver, right click on the camera in Device Manager, and select Update Driver software.
6) On the new window, select Browse my computer for Driver software.
7) Enter the directory path for your camera driver, in the window below:
The directory paths for the drivers (for 64-bit Windows) depend on the Pixelink Capture version installed.
For Pixelink Capture (x64) v11.0 and later:
USB 3.0: C:\Program Files\PixeLINK\Install\USB3x64\DefaultDriver
USB 2.0: C:\Program Files\PixeLINK\Install\USBx64
FireWire: C:\Program Files\PixeLINK\Install\FWx64
For Pixelink Capture (x86) v11.0 and later or Pixelink Capture v10.7 and earlier:
USB 3.0: C:\Program Files (x86)\PixeLINK\Install\USB3x64\DefaultDriver
USB 2.0: C:\Program Files (x86)\PixeLINK\Install\USBx64
FireWire: C:\Program Files (x86)\PixeLINK\Install\FWx64
For Pixelink Capture v10.4 and earlier:
USB 3.0: C:\Program Files (x86)\PixeLINK\Install\USB3x64\R10
USB 2.0: C:\Program Files (x86)\PixeLINK\Install\USBx64
FireWire: C:\Program Files (x86)\PixeLINK\Install\FWx64
8) Click Next to install the camera driver.
If you're unable to re-install the driver, or if you see any error messages, please contact Pixelink support via the website, or by email at