PXL_RETURN_CODE PxLAssignController ( HANDLE hCamera, U32 controllerSerialNumber);
This function will initialize a specific controller, and assign it to a specific camera.
hCamera is the HANDLE to the camera to which the controller is to be assigned. This value is returned by PxLInitializeEx.
controllerSerialNumber is the serial number of the controller to be assigned to the camera.
Comments, Restrictions and Limitations
When a single controller and single camera are connected, the API will 'auto-assign' the controller to the camera when PxLInitializeEx is called, without having to call PxLAssignController. If more than one controller or camera is connected, the application must call PxLAssignController to assign a controller to a specific camera.
A controller can only be assigned to one camera at a time. And a camera can only have a controller assigned to it if the functions controlled by that controller (see TypeMask and PxLGetNumberControlers) are not already being controlled; either natively in the camera, or by another assigned controller.
To determine the serial numbers of the connected controllers, use PxLGetNumberControllers.