Supported by ...

All PL-A\B Pixelink cameras.


Flat Field Correction (FFC) applies a gain and offset correction per pixel to correct for illumination and sensor irregularities.  A factory calibration is performed and stored in the camera memory.  It is possible to perform FFC calibration in the field using a software tool available in the SDK, or by using Capture OEM software downloaded from the Pixelink web site. 

For more information, please refer to the Image Processing - Flat Field Calibration topic.

API Control

The Pixelink API defines two functions that allow access to camera specific features: PxLCameraRead and PxLCameraWrite. They can be used with Pixelink cameras to turn on or off flat field correction, and to determine the gain the camera was calibrated at.

The structure used to transmit control of flat field correction has the following format:



    ULONG CommandCode;

    ULONG FfcOn;                // 1 = On, 0 = OFF

    FLOAT FfcCalibrationGain;   // Gain at which FFC was

                                  // calibrated in dB


To turn flat field correction off or on, set FfcOn to 0 or 1 and CommandCode to 0x00008002.  To read the flat field correction settings set CommandCode to 0x00008001.