An "Effect" transforms the image's pixel data just prior to display or capture. Typically this function is intended to process an incoming image. The effects tab allow the user to select a pre-defined callback on real-time or captured images.


Invert is a total inversion of a positive image, in which light areas appear dark and vice versa. A negative color image is additionally color reversed, with red areas appearing cyan, greens appearing magenta and blues appearing yellow.



Grayscale images have many shades of gray in between. Grayscale images are also called monochromatic, denoting the presence of only one (mono) color (chrome).


Saturated and Black

Turns fully saturated pixels, into RED pixels and black pixels into BLUE.  Makes it easy to identify ‘hot spots’ on an image.


Threshold (50%)

The filter does image binarization using specified threshold value. All pixels with intensities equal or higher than threshold value are converted to white pixels. All other pixels with intensities below threshold value are converted to black pixels.

Motion Detector

Given a stream of images, pixel values that are consistent from one image to the next, are shown as black.  Similarly, pixels that change from one image to the next, are shown as saturated.



The pixel dN values, are mapped to the ASCII character set.


Histogram Equalization

Improves the contrast of "muddy" images by; detecting the minimum and maximum pixel values in the input range calculating a linear conversion that maps the minimum intensity value to full black and the maximum intensity value to full white creating an enhanced image by converting all of the pixels of the input image accordingly. This has the effect of stretching out the pixel values to the widest possible range, thereby increasing contrast and depth in the image. 


High Pass Filter (3x3)

Sharpens image and reduces gradual variations based on weighting of local pixel values

Low Pass Filter (3x3)

Smoothes image and reduces random noise, based weighting of local pixel values.


Median Filter (3x3)

Reduces random noise, particularly "shot noise" (extreme values of individual pixels), based on median brightness level of local pixel values.


Sobel Filter

Detects edges based on gradients (differences) in local pixel values.


Temporal Noise Filter

Attempts to filter out noisy pixels over time.  That is, individual pixels that seem to fluctuate from one streamed image to the next, while it’s neighbors do not.


Bitmap Overlay

Adds a bitmap, such as a company logo or a time stamp, on the image.  Enter the name and location of the bitmap in the "File Name Box", or use the "Browse" button to locate the file.


Crosshair (Full ROI)

Adds a crosshair overtop of the display, centered on the full ROI of the camera. The crosshair is grey by default but can be made white or black to improve visibility.

Crosshair (Current ROI)

Adds a crosshair overtop of the display, centered on the current ROI of the camera. The crosshair is grey by default but can be made white or black to improve visibility.