ApiSpy is a utility you can use to examine application's interactions with Pixelink API. It is a DLL that looks to Windows for all intents and purposes exactly like the real Pixelink API DLL (viz. PxLApi40.dll), and therefore, if the ApiSpy is in the search path before the *real* Pixelink API, it will be loaded and used by Windows.

When loaded into an application, the ApiSpy loads the real Pixelink API DLL, and then when Pixelink API functions are called, the ApiSpy passes them along to the Pixelink API DLL, and returns the results to the application. 

By sitting between the application and the Pixelink API DLL, the ApiSpy can log and provide a peek into all activity between an application and the cameras with which it's interacting. 

Two versions of the ApiSpy are provided; These can be found in the Pixelink -> Tools folder:


PxLAPI40.dll (previously PxLApi40.ApiSpy.x86.dll)

32- bit version, for use with 32- bit applications.

PxLAPI40.dll (previously PxLApi40.ApiSpy.x64.dll)

Located in the x64 folder.

64- bit version, for use with 64- bit applications.

To install the ApiSpy:

  • Ensure the application is not running.

  • Copy the appropriate ApiSpy (32-bit/64-bit) the same directory (folder) as the application you want to spy on.

  • If necessary, rename the dll to be PxLApi40.dll

  • Run the application.

To view the information logged by the ApiSpy log, use Microsoft's DebugView application, available for free from the Microsoft website.

If you are running the application under a debugger, the output will appear in the 'Output' window.

The tool, ApiSpyConfig, can be used to filter the functions and features to log.

If you have any questions about using ApiSpy, please contact Pixelink Support by email at pixelink.support@ametek.com.