This VI defines a preview window if none is present or redefines the settings of the current preview window for the specified camera.
Controls and Indicators
hCamera IN is the camera handle. This value is returned by and is passed between PixeLINK VIs as a reference.
pWindowTitle IN is a string with the new window title.
uStyle IN is a code for the style of window. See the Windows API for more information.
hParentWindow IN is the handle of the parent window.
uChildId IN is the ID of the child window.
pWindowSize IN is a cluster defining the new window size with elements:
uLeft - The left edge of the window on the screen.
uTop - The top edge of the window on the screen.
uWidth - The width of the window in pixels.
uHeight - The height of the window in pixels.
hCamera OUT has the same value as hCamera IN.
Before this function is called, the camera defined by the handle hCamera IN must be streaming video. Use the SetStreamState with the uStreamState IN set to START_STREAM.
Changing the preview settings while the preview window is running will destroy the current preview window and create a new one with the new settings.
Note: See Error Handling for error input and output information and error codes.