The following structure defines error report information. All members are strings of characters terminated by a '\0'.
typedef struct _ERROR_REPORT { PXL_RETURN_CODE uReturnCode; S8 strFunctionName[32]; S8 strReturnCode[32]; S8 strReport[256]; } ERROR_REPORT, *PERROR_REPORT;
Member | Description |
uReturnCode | The error code. |
strFunctionName | A C string (i.e, 0 terminated) identifying the API function that returned the most recent error code (example: "PxLSetFeature"). |
strReturnCode | A C string identifying the error code (example: "ApiUnknownError"). |
strReport | A C string containing a description on the error or a possible cause (example: "Camera must be streaming before calling PxLGetNextFrame"). |