

 PXL_RETURN_CODE PxLSetCameraIpAddress (

   PXL_MAC_ADDRESS const * pCameraMac,

   PXL_IP_ADDRESS  const * pCameraIp,

   PXL_IP_ADDRESS  const * pCameraSubnetMask,

   PXL_IP_ADDRESS  const * pCameraDefaultGateway,

   BOOL32                  persistent);



PxLSetCameraIpAddress can be used to set the IP address of any connected network camera that has not already been initialized by PxLInitialize.  A camera that has been initialized must be uninitialized with PxLUninitialize prior to setting the IP address.  

To set the IP address, call PxLSetCameraIpAddress with the MAC address of the camera you wish to set.  The MAC address can be found using PxLGetNumberCamerasEx.  Once the IP address has been set, the serial number can be determined by calling PxLGetNumberCameras or PxLGetNumberCamerasEx , and the camera can then be initialized with PxLInitialize.

Comments, Restrictions and Limitations

This function is supported by PixeLINK API 7.01 and later.

One alternative to PxLSetCameraIpAddress is to use a DHCP server. It will automatically assign IP addresses to cameras when they're powered on. Alternatively, the PixeLINK Camera IP Address Tool (PxLIpAddresses.exe) can be used to manually set the address via the command-line or GUI.