PXL_RETURN_CODE PxLInitialize ( U32 serialNumber, HANDLE* phCamera );
This function initializes the camera in its entirety and obtains the camera handle required for subsequent API function calls.
- serialNumber is the serial number of the required camera. If there is more than one camera connected to the system, this value is used to select the camera. If you pass in a serial number of 0, one of any of the available cameras will be chosen.
- phCamera is the pointer to the variable receiving the camera handle.
Comments, Restrictions and Limitations
To determine the serial numbers of the connected cameras, use PxLGetNumberCamerasEx.
An application cannot call PxLInitialize twice on the same camera; after uninitializing a camera, it is possible to initialize it again.
The thread that successfully calls PxLInitialize on a camera should also call PxLUninitialize for that camera.
.NET Syntax
ReturnCode rc = Api.Initialize( int serialNumber, ref int hCamera );