PXL_RETURN_CODE PxLGetCameraInfo ( HANDLE hCamera, CAMERA_INFO* pCameraInfo );
Please note that new applications should use the updated function PxLGetCameraInfoEx.
This function returns version information about the PixeLINK hardware and firmware.
- hCamera is the camera handle. This value is returned by PxLInitializeEx.
- pCameraInfo is the pointer to CAMERA_INFO structure, which contains strings of information about PixeLINK hardware and firmware. The CAMERA_INFO structure is defined in PixeLINKTypes.h.
/* Make the request */ CAMERA_INFO cameraInfo; PXL_RETURN_CODE rc = PxLGetCameraInfo (hCamera, &cameraInfo); if (API_SUCCESS(rc)) { printf("Camera Name : %s\n", cameraInfo.CameraName); printf("Model Name : %s\n", cameraInfo.ModelName); printf("Description : %s\n", cameraInfo.Description); printf("Serial # : %s\n", cameraInfo.SerialNumber); printf("Firmware : %s\n", cameraInfo.FirmwareVersion); printf("FPGA : %s\n", cameraInfo.FPGAVersion); }
Comments, Restrictions and Limitations
This function is deprecated – use PxlGetCameraInfoEx instead.