Supported by ...

Currently supported PL-D and PL-X Sony sensor cameras, including

- PL-D752, PL-D753, PL-D755, PL-D755MU-POL, PL-D757, PL-D759, PL-D7512, PL-D795, PL-D797, PL-D799, PL-D7912, and PL-D7920

- PL-X957, PL-X9512, PL-X9520, and PL-X9524


This feature can be used to put the camera in to (and out of) a ‘special’ mode of operation. See the chart below for the definition of each of these special modes. This feature may not be set while the camera is streaming images.  Furthermore, if the camera is to be placed in a special mode of operation, it is recommended that this feature be used immediately after the camera is PxLInitialize'ed, as placing the camera in a special mode may have implications of other features (including the limits of those features).

IIDC NameAPI NameDescription


No special camera mode - the camera behaves normally (as described in the Pixelink documentation)


The camera's frame rate is not controllable directly. Rather, the camera will chose a frame rate based on the setting of the  Region of Interest (ROI). This special camera mode can accommodate faster frame rates than can be otherwise achieved while in its normal mode of operation.

This table highlights some of the significant differences between the normal and special mode of operation also known as Fixed Frame Rate mode

FeatureMode of Operation


Fixed Frame Rate

Frame Rate

Variable frame rate, permitting a wide range of settings. The upper limit varies with link speed; USB3 link speeds permit a much higher upper limit.

The frame rate is fixed to the ROI that is selected. Smaller ROIs mean a faster frame rate.


Wide range of exposure settings.

Very limited range of exposure settings. Specifically, the upper limit is much reduced when compared to Normal mode. Generally, this upper limit is 1/frame rate for the given ROI.

Bandwidth Limit

Operates normally.

Has no effect.

API Control

PxLGetFeature, PxLSetFeature

FeatureNumber of ParamsParametersUnitsRestrictions
FEATURE_SPECIAL_CAMERA_MODE places the camera in a special mode of operation.1fValueMode
Integer only
(see enumeration above)


  • The stream state must be off (STREAM_OFF) to modify this feature. See PxLSetStreamState.

  • Disabling this feature has the same effect as setting this feature to a value of FEATURE_SPECIAL_CAMERA_MODE_NONE

Feature Flags

CameraPresenceRead OnlyAutoManualOne-time AutoOffSettable While StreamingPersistable


All USB3 and PL-X










Special Camera Modes

FEATURE_SPECIAL_CAMERA_MODE_NONENo special camera mode - the camera behaves normally (as described in the Pixelink documentation).

The camera's frame rate is not controllable directly.  Rather, the camera will choose a frame rate based on the setting of the Region of interest (ROI). This special camera mode can accommodate faster frame rates than can be otherwise achieved while in its normal mode of operation.