Supported by...
All PL-D and PL-X Pixelink cameras.
This read-only feature allows the user to query the camera to see what frame rate the camera will use while streaming image data. This value is generally the same as FEATURE_FRAME_RATE, but will be of a lesser value if the user is controlling the frame rate (IE, FEATURE_FRAME_RATE is enabled) and one of the following conditions is true:
The current camera exposure is preventing the camera from achieving the frame rate requested by FEATURE_FRAME_RATE or
FEATURE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT is enabled, and its current value is preventing the camera from achieving the frame rate requested by FEATURE_FRAME_RATE
API Control
Feature | Number of Params | Parameters | Units | Restrictions |
FEATURE_ACTUAL | 1 | fValue | frames per second | N/A |
Feature Flags
Camera | Presence | Read Only | Auto | Manual | One-time Auto | Off | Settable while streaming | Persistable |
All PL-D and PL-X cameras | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | N/A | No |
Camera | Parameter | Unit | Type | Min | Max | Default | Step Size |
All PL-D and PL-X | Actual Frame rate | Millions of bits per second | Absolute | 0 | Will never be greater than FEATURE_FRAME_RATE | Same value as FEATURE_FRAME_RATE | Same value as FEATURE_FRAME_RATE |